By OdinAdmin, 20 December, 2022

Odin Health Engine - our point of difference

“The Odin Engine is not your typical Integration Engine or ESB - it goes far beyond that. Our engine combines the best functionality from a variety of integration tools, using the latest state-of-the-art technologies, to create an innovative and unrivalled product.”

Since the mid 1990s Interface Engines have been the backbone of the Health Integration sector. They have enabled the sharing of information between healthcare applications and organisations via asynchronous messaging. 

International standards such as HL7 and locally adapted variations defined the interactions. Message acknowledgement and persistence were fundamental to these interactions and enabled the loosely coupled systems to robustly interact.

However this came at a cost which was the performance overhead created by the numerous and complex interactions, the acknowledgements, rejections, validation checking, logging and the interaction tracking required in the engine. As a result these engines have been architected purely to support these interactions and typically struggle to scale significantly.

These are the legacy systems such as Corepoint, Rhapsody, Ensemble and Cloverleaf.

The world has moved on significantly in terms of integration technology since the 1990’s. These advancements have been spearheaded by the banks who need to provide a high volume of secure interactions between multiple organisations and consumers.

They have embraced the use of API (Application Program Interface) technology. This new model has a number of advantages over the previous message based model. APIs are faster and can happen in real time. They don't have the overheads that are required for message persistence as the interactions are realtime and tightly coupled. This means they can scale up more effectively. 

The International Standards organisation HL7 has embraced the API approach by developing and releasing its FHIR standards which are essentially API standards for medically related interactions.

These newer products are systems such as Mulesoft, Boomi and TIBCO.

The Odin Engine is architected to be a unique and elegant combination of these two approaches. It offers the advantages of both, without the disadvantages of either. It offers a perfect solution that delivers backward compatibility to fully support legacy messaging, while also delivering a fully featured API centric Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) solution. All on the same platform.

Odin Health is purely focused on the Healthcare niche. Fully supporting the key international healthcare standards and the varied and complex environments and requirements that the sector presents.

Key features

Integration Engine, ESB and ETL - The Odin Engine combines all these functions into a single elegant solution.

Robust - Incredibly robust and does not suffer long restart lags presented by other products.

High performance - An order of magnitude (x10) better throughput than other Integration Engines on equivalent platforms.

Single deployment - All functions are combined into a single product. Many other solutions are made up of separate components using separate technologies with different constraints and interfaces. 

Complex business logic - Complex route logic is supported with a library of end points and processors available right out of the box.

Flexible - Supports Groovy Script and the ability to import libraries allowing integrators/ developers deep and complete flexibility to craft specific solutions.

User Interface - All user interactions are via elegant, consistent web browser interfaces with a drag and drop designer interface.

Database - Sophisticated database interactions are facilitated with all major databases. Stream processing software such as Kafka can easily be included in configurations.

High Availability - Standby or full active cluster options available for complete resilience.

Functionality - New features are constantly being developed and added to the core product to support local requirements.

Mapper - Odin Mapper comes pre-configured with common HL7 v2.x and FHIR standards.

Large files - Support for processing interactions with very large payloads.

Customer growth - Odin Health is enjoying a rapidly expanding user and partner base.

Different flavours

The Odin Engine is available in the following configurations;

1. Odin Engine Standard Edition - on Premise, simple deployment and maintenance, core functionality

2. Odin Engine High Availability Edition - on Premise, Cluster deployment over multiple nodes, full Standard Edition functionality

3. Odin Engine Enterprise Cluster Edition - Cluster, cloud deployment and hybrid, highly scalable, Kubernetes foundation